The actors, stunt people and background fighters picked up what was ‘Viking’ quickly with amazing determination and energy. Within a couple of hours, everyone was working at a scary speed with steel weapons and wooden shields. The swords and axes were blunted, but they were still very dangerous.
When the choreography was done and everyone was in full makeup and costume, they were transported by a van to the Viking ship location. It didn’t look good. The closer Tyr and the actors got to the wharf, the more violent the storm became. The Viking ship was rocking heavily and people were struggling to stand upright. Rain pelted down, the food tent and everything not tied down blew away, and production was forced to stop.
Soaked to the skin and shouting to be heard over the storm, Terje told Tyr that he still wanted the Viking fight scene. He said that the project had a tough shooting schedule, but if it was at all possible, he would film the scene at a later date.