The people of Viking Age Scandinavia understood that there was a balance in nature, and that it was essential to cultivate their own balance of mind, body and spirit. This could not be done by being static, but through movement, which produces growth.

Movement is essential to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Draga is a practice that embodies this idea by connecting physical movements with mental and spiritual awareness. It is through movement that we can create balance in our lives and enhance our development.

Draga is a form of exercise that involves performing a series of movements in a fluid and continual manner, and connecting them to create a larger and more significant whole. These movements create balance of the body and mind, and promote growth in all aspects of one's being.

A meaningful benefit of draga is its ability to expand consciousness and heal the spirit, especially when practiced out in nature. It is a powerful tool for generating and channeling energy for personal balance.

all photos are from places in norway i have practiced draga - tyr neilsen

Understanding comes from doing, not from theory, and draga motivates practitioners to connect with their core selves through natural movement. Through draga, we can cultivate a healthy balance of mind, body and spirit, which is essential for overall well-being.

If you are looking for a way to enhance your well-being, this practice can be a valuable addition to your life.