Grip strength is important in combat, but strength is not enough, flexibility is also needed. No matter how strong a person’s grip is, it can be broken by using the correct technique. Close quarters combat, grappling and wrestling are not static.
The people in these situations are always in motion, using strength and technique to win. To control an opponent in these situations, a strong yet flexible grip is vital.
In order to throw an opponent, it is necessary to grip an opponent’s arm or some part of the body. To stop an opponent from hitting or throwing you, the first line of defense is often to take a grip of the arm being used against you.
In order to stop a person from using a weapon against you, it is usually necessary to control the weapon by either a gripping the weapon, or gripping a part of the opponent’s arm that is holding the weapon. A strong but static grip is not enough in these situations, and when weapons are involved, a strong static grip can be fatal.