/laustak handsal tyr neilsen
Not only was the Laustak grip the most important hand technique in the martial arts of the Vikings, it was also part of a legal contract in Viking Age society.
The Laustak grip is an extremely strong and flexible grip that is capable of adapting to many situations.
For Viking warriors in unarmed combat, the Laustak grip was used to hold and manipulate parts of an opponent’s body, clothing or weapon. In armed combat, the Laustak grip was used to hold any single-handed weapon. When a grip could mean the difference between life and death, this was the one to have.
The 3 forms of Viking sport wrestling are defined by grips; Laustak is free-grip wrestling (Lausatök in Old Norse), Ryggtak is Back-grip wrestling (Hryggspenna in Old Norse) and Bukse-tak is trouser-grip wrestling (Brókartök in Old Norse).
Hryggspenna and Brókartök both have the restriction to one compulsary grip. In Laustak, you are free to use any grip at any time.
demonstrating handsal and techniques from handsall at uk Lausatak seminar