VIKING HIKING by Tyr Neilsen
/Like their ancestors, modern Norwegians love to go hiking out in nature. Some of them like to hike with the best modern equipment money can buy, some with just the bare essentials, and others like me go hiking with Viking gear.
Only by living as a Viking is it possible to understand how it was to be a Viking. Before such big tasks like learning how to hunt or fight as a Viking, the first step, literally, is to start walking in nature as a Viking.
By stripping modern equipment down to the essentials, with no electronic gear whatsoever, or making your own clothes and equipment as a Viking had to, you can experience a little of how it was to live as a Viking.
By hiking out in nature this way in winter, spring, summer or fall, you can get to understand pretty quickly what Vikings had to deal with.
Hiking over frozen lake in buskerud