NORSE CULTURE by Tyr Neilsen

norse culture tyr neilsen - Photo: T. Neilsen - B. Wemundstad

norse culture tyr neilsen - Photo: T. Neilsen - B. Wemundstad

For centuries, Vikings have been portrayed as savages. This is probably because it was their enemy who wrote the stories about them. Facts show that the Norse culture of the Viking Age was intricate,  sophisticated, artistic,  adventurous and creative.

Norsemen created the most technologically advanced ships of their day, and shortly after Norwegian Vikings migrated to Iceland in the late 800’s, they built up a well-functioning culture similar to the one they had in Norway.

By the year 930, the Norwegian Vikings in Iceland had already formed the  world's first parliament, the Alþingi (Althing), based on the Norwegian judicial system, which included all free people. This legal system is still used in the western world today.


The culture of the Norse people  has been described as ruthless and barbaric, but Norsemen had a culture that was defined by a code of conduct based on reason, moderation and charity. The culture of the Norsemen was one of hard work, a spiritual respect for nature, and a passion for a good life. 

Norse culture changed the face of the world when Northmen traded, raided and conquered during the Viking Age. Northmen opened up important trade routes throughout Europe and the East, which are still in use today.

Many place names have Norse origin, and the English language is heavily affected by Norse words. Even the days of the week are named after Norse Gods.

Norse mythology continues to inspire and influence literature, art and popular culture. This is easily seen in books, TV, and movies, such as The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones, Marvel’s Thor, and Star Wars.

Tyr Neilsen and original Havamal manuscript

Tyr Neilsen and the original 13th century Havamal manuscript

A Norse code of conduct was written down in The Hávamál, an Icelandic manuscript from the year 1270. The first 80  verses of Hávamál warn against over-indulgence, greed, idleness, ignorance and cowardice, and emphasizes the important of generosity, hospitality, honor, industriousness, moderation, good manners and good sense.

There is much wisdom and inspiration to be found in Hávamál, and its advice is as relevant in the world today, as it was for the Norse people in the Viking Age.

HÁVAMÁL - verse 15

People should be Quiet and thoughtful And brave in conflict They should live Happy and friendly Until their last day

HÁVAMÁL - verse 48

The generous and brave
Live best And rarely nourish sorrow
The cowardly fear everything And the greedy
Dread giving